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the app process guide

Accessing the tag

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The TRADOC Application Gateway (TAG) is a site to host and track mobile apps. The TAG is located at https://tag.army.mil/ .

The TAG offers both Public and restricted access to apps and iBooks. Mobile applications public and restricted appear on the TAG. Restricted apps that require a login will have a lock indicator. The TAG is accessible with a single-Sign-On credential (EAMS-A) log-in functionality.

reference links

VPDE mobile applications

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Once you’ve submitted your request and app content our experts work closely with you to determine requirements, features and specifications before generating a detailed project plan with the development process clearly laid out and a firm timeline established. Each member of our dedicated development team possesses the programming expertise and industry-specific knowledge needed to build you an app that will meet and exceed all your training needs. CoEs and schools are able to develop Apps in one of three ways: Proponent developed, VPDE Mobile Division developed and VPDE developed by an authorized contractor.

All completed applications VPDE create are fully vetted and authorized by the U.S. Army Once an app is built, we post it directly to trustworthy, authorized online sites for instant download, no licensing fees required. U.S. Army Soldiers, Leaders and DA Civilians are authorized to install TRADOC Army Gateway (TAG) Apps - all of which are public releasable - onto their personal mobile devices (smartphones, tablets)


frequently asked questions


The success of your app is determined by the planning and aforethought prior to development, Proponents should ask themselves and organization stakeholders who is the target audience the app is intended to reach, assist or teach, and how that app will effectively replace, reinforce or supplement learning or distribution of information. Is the app intended to fill a particular need that is not already or not being effectively met? Finally, proponents should coordinate their app proposal with their respective JAG, Budget, Security and Public Affairs Offices prior to beginning the development process with VPDE.

1. I have a great idea for a mobile app - How do I get it started?
Planning for mobile products begins with consideration of all the steps in the design and development process, whether you elect to develop in-house with VPDE or with one of our many authorized contractors. To help you with the process we’ve prepared an easy to follow step-by- step guide page in the left column. Once you have reviewed the process email your request to usarmy.jble.cac.mbx.atsc-tradoc-mobile@army.mil

2. How much is my App going to cost? What forms do I need to fill out?
No Cost. Apps developed by VPDE are produced at no cost to the proponent. All applicable forms will be sent via return email following the request submitted to the email above. Any subsequent information required to create the app or special requirements will be made on a case-by-case basis There is no cost to the proponent for licensing or online hosting of their app.

3. How do you communicate with the VPDE Team during the development process?
A key part of the development process is keeping you - the proponent - in the loop about how the process is going after you’ve submitted the content we need to begin. We endeavor to keep both the development process and the progress we make on each project as transparent as possible. We do this by making sure we have all of your app components from the start, then plotting time lines and milestones for delivery.

4. How do I access the TAG to my app? Can I install TAG apps on my personal phone?
Access the tag by clicking on the url: https://tag.army.mil/ . All U.S. Army Soldiers, Leaders and DA Civilians are authorized to install TRADOC Army Gateway (TAG) Apps - all of which are public releasable - onto their personal mobile devices including smart phones and tablets.

5. Once my App is finished and online is there a guide for troubleshooting? Updating?
Once we have completed and launched your App we’re still there for support! To update your existing APP simply contact us by email usarmy.jble.cac.mbx.atsc-tradoc-mobile@army.mil

6. How do I find Official Army apps online? Where will my app be posted for download?
All official U.S. Army apps are listed in the TRADOC Application Gateway (aka the "TAG"). Using your mobile device's browser, go to https://tag.army.mil/

7. Is submission to commercial app stores possible? Is it included?
Yes to both questions. Submitting an app to the store isn’t too hard, if you know what you’re doing. Only subscribed developers can submit an app to the Apple’s iTunes app store, and the Cupertino company has strict guidelines on what can and cannot be published. Android is more liberal in its guidelines, but it also requires a registration and a fee. The VPDE Mobile Division includes posting most apps and making them available for download on both sites at no charge to the proponent.